Tuesday 4 November 2014

Only Love is Real xx

Hi all it is lunch time and I have to go in 10 minutes so a quick song and quote about LOVE my favourite subject and emotion as I have so much of it in my heart to share.. My son started his new job today after much kerfuffle in getting ready last night after he received a text at 8.30pm to start at 6.30 this morning the place he starts at is about 3hrs away in West Wylong he is working amongst the grains I thought he was in a tractor but later found out he will be tarping so covering the trucks over or something he is a bit light on details you have to pry any information out of him unless he is in a happy mood he loves to talk then, he also needed his hair cut so he got a #3 I've always cut my boys hair with the clippers, he had no fuel  so we had to go ask his pop for some diesel as no one is opened around town late at night and he didn't have enough fuel to get to the nearest town which would of been Gundagai. Thank goodness that my dad is an earthmover and always has fuel for his big machines on hand.
Here is the song that was on the radio this morning it is pretty awesome by
Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud
A quote I love as well unconditional Love  where you want to be with someone no matter what goes on in both your life's, you are there to support each other with out question.. Unconditional Love where you don't need to change the person you love them for who they are and how they make you feel... Unconditional Love has no restrictions or any need to change or control the other person.. If you can find that in someone hold on to them with all your heart and soul as they are meant for you if they cross your path.
If you haven't found love yet never give up hope it will come to you when you least expect it call on Archangel Chamuel to find your Soulmate and when the time is right you will both connect..
Love connects souls through eternity. xx
xx I love you so much it hurts xx
One last piece of Music by Muso
Sending Love and Light
have a great afternoon or morning
if you are from a different part
of the World than Australia.
Two more days and I go
to Melbourne ..yay!

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