Sunday 2 November 2014

Mother Mary messages xx

Good Morning the sun is out today there is a bit of a chill in the house but I was just hanging out the washing and the sun has some warmth in it so it should be a beautiful spring day.. Here are today's Mother Mary card messages when I draw the cards I ask "Mother Mary, God, Jesus and the Angels if there are any messages they want me to pass on to the blog readers" then I shuffle the cards and by the law of attraction I draw the ones that stick out (protrude) from the 44 card deck as I shuffle and then I again ask to send me clear and concise messages and I just type the thoughts as they come to me sometimes I will read the guidebook that comes with the deck because I'm new to this and the card decks to see what it means other times I will start typing then check in the book afterwards. (I usually edit after I finished typing and before I publish if time permits so some days I might miss a few errors).  You will get your own divine messages as you read my post for your own lives and the situations you may be in so  always listen to your own thoughts and feelings for your own guidance.
The cards this week are:-
FEMININE - We had this card last week so we must still continue to nurture ourselves as well as others that are around us.. The feminine part of us is like the caring parent where sometimes you have to have tough love in order to tend to others we also need to do it for our own well being so nurture your own soul by getting enough sleep, exercise and eating the right foods just like all mothers teach their kids or they should. In caring for our self we need to also listen to our own feelings as that is our intuition and our divine messages we are downloading like you know when you are eating the wrong foods all the time our mind and our bodies will both be telling us by putting on weight or being slow and sluggish, the same if you are not getting enough sleep your body will tell you as you can't think straight or keep your eyes open and be fatigued that feeling can also be because of the food intake if we haven't got enough energy by the end of the day. We can be emotionally fatigued as well if we are taking on to much negative energy from others or from our own thoughts of doubt.. Nurture your own mind, body and soul to find your inner peace.
TENDERNESS - We all have a tender side to our personality when dealing with others though not everyone shows that tenderness at times as they are so caught up in their own welfare they forget others around them need to be treated with loving care just as you would yourself if you found you are in a situation beyond your control that is in a negative energy space. Some of us are tender and show our niceness all the time it doesn't mean you have to give all time. You need to set your boundaries or others will take advantage of your niceness all the time and take you for granted learn to say no when you can feel you are being used because of your tender nature if you are a giver. A lot feel guilty in saying 'No' to someone but sometimes you just have to say it for your own well being and emotional state.
FATHER - We've had this card before as well last month it is to do with a father or male figure in your life maybe you are feeling emotionally hurt by an argument you had with your father and it is still giving you a heavy heart so you may need to heal your soul and let go of all the hurt feelings associated with your father whether he is still alive and you aren't talking to him or not getting along let go of the hurt feelings give them to God and forgive your father for his stubbornness or for your own stubborn streak in resolving the matter if he has passed over and you had hurt feeling or you are missing him write those feelings down to release them from your heart, or speak to your dad as if he was here as in his spirit form he is only a thought away so he will hear you and send his love back to you.
God is our father in heaven so get your strength from God to deal with any emotional hurt that is blocking your heart from opening up to hear the divine messages sent to you from God, Angels and your spirit guides as we all have them it is just a matter of tuning into your own energy to hear those messages and then acting on them. Your prayers are always answered maybe not how or when you expected as the divine is about looking after your welfare and helping you along your life path that means you may have to suffer pain sometimes in order to feel joy, you are never deserted by God even if you don't believe he exists he is always there in a loving and non judgemental way in what ever you do or strive to do, we all have soul lessons to learn as that was our plan when we (our soul) decided to have an Earth experience.
To sum all three cards up nurture your mind, body and soul by listening to what your feelings are telling you, be kind and tender towards others and your self but learn to say no if you are a giver all the time also learn to receive tenderness and kindness when it is given to you, forgive all hurt feeling between you and your dad or send him a message if he has passed over to spirit as he still loves you even if he can't show it, God is our father in heaven and he will never desert you.
I've been a contented soul all my life as mum said I was as a baby so you can feel contentment in your life no matter what situation you are in as it is your state of mind that keeps you contented. Times change nothing stays the same but 'you',  all the chaos that is around you cannot be controlled be you. Your own thoughts and feelings and attitude is what makes your reality so stay positive and your world will be positive and when negatives come up in your life you can deal with them by looking at them from a different perspective. Everything happens for a reason in God's infinite wisdom it is your job to find that reason in all situations even in those trying times.

Some relaxation music for Sunday try and find some time to chill out today.
I will be back later to do the Indigo Angel card reading after I hang some more
clothes out to dry.
Sending Love and Light
to you Mother Mary, God
 Jesus and the Angels may they
forever bless and guide us
on our path.

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