Sunday 23 November 2014

Indigo Angel Messages xx

Good afternoon everyone sending lots of love to all Indigo souls today's messages are:- From the Indigo Angels and Archangel Michael Oracle decks.
ACCEPTANCE - This is a message to have faith in your self and acceptance of who you are and why you are here as Indigo's you will take the brunt of everyone's annoyance especially when you are fulfilling your purpose and getting to the Truth of  all matters in which you are exposing for the World to see, you are here to change things that are not working for the human population this may  include anything that you are passionate about and what really makes you tick. As Indigo's you do let your passions get the better of you so may at times let others bear the brunt of your frustrations when no-one seems to be listening.. Ease up on others try and approach them in a diplomatic way but don't blame yourself all the time when things get a bit heated as you are both tough and very sensitive so you carry a lot of guilt within your own soul for your behaviour. There is no need to do that. Sometimes others don't like to be faced with the 'Truth' so they will react and hit out at you if you are the one that carries truth on your side, being Indigo's you are good at finding the truth and not afraid of authority to let them know when they are in the wrong.
ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH SITUATION - If you have let your temper get the better of you ask Archangel Michael to shield you from others harsh energy which may of fired you up  AA Michael will give you courage and strength to know when you are in the wrong and make amends as Indigo's can  be very opinionated and not always see the other person's point of view. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe your situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times."
PATIENCE - Have patience with others that have not seen the truth yet also have patience with any wishes or dreams you have asked for as now may not be the time for them to be fulfilled as everything has to happen at the right time otherwise it may not work out if you are too eager to fulfil your dreams and wishes you can't control everything as much as you would like to some times we just have to go with the flow of life and let things happen  in their own time especially when you know in your heart that it is in your destiny. Keep the faith and trust in God that in divine time all that you wish will come to you. This may involve family or loved one's and being patient with them if you are finding things a bit challenging at the moment for what ever reason it may have you worrying for nothing.
YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES ARE SAFE - If you are worrying about those closest to you or those in your heart and you can't  be with them at the moment there is no need to worry as your loved ones are being looked after by the Angels and those people that surround them. Prayer on card "Dear God and Archangel Michael, thank you for watching over me and my loved ones [name specific individuals]. Please help me feel secure and at peace; and fill me with faith so that I may focus on my priorities and enjoy a healthful, happy life".

SHARE YOUR WISDOM - Are you holding back on letting others know some of what you know or have found out in your quest of knowledge and knowing what is wrong within the system of society you came to change. It is essential to let others know what is wrong in order for it to be changed/fixed you are very intelligent as Indigo's and know how to get to the heart or truth of the matters that are close to your own heart. Now is the time to share your knowledge as it dates back to ancient times when your soul learnt lessons from the past what didn't work then still no longer works in this modern society it may have got even worse as everyone lives in their ego and has stopped caring about their fellow human being. This may have something to do with Love or not enough of it going around the world so your wisdom may lay in letting your own spirituality out and to stop hiding within yourself your soul needs to express it self to others in order for things to change.
ETERNAL LOVE - Love is eternal within our souls and those we have met before from our soul group will show up again at the right time for your own soul development and your own soul will know all from your soul group as you have the same energy and frequency patterns so you will just have a familiarity with them. Prayer on card "Help me perceive all of the love that surrounds me so that I can feel safe receiving expressing and giving love".
Don't hold your heart to ransom because of past hurts it is time to open your heart and express what your soul already knows it's purpose in this life time is love. Indigo's are very sensitive souls so do hold lots of love in their heart but they may be blocking or building a wall around their heart because of guilt and past hurts in previous relationships. You need to open your heart in order to hear your Divine Guidance. This card also gets drawn when the person that first comes to your thoughts is thinking about you too and loves you just as much as you love them. So listen to your own thoughts and feelings as you read my post as they are your very own personal messages from the Angels and God also look at the pictures on the cards as you will get your own messages off them as well.
I will be back later with Mother Mary reading for this week. I am going to go and play with some crafty stuff I started a canvas last night with some gesso so some lovely mess I have been playing with, I am in the process of colouring up an image.
A clip from Muso with a song I love and beautiful images to go with it
 The Sound of Silence.
Sending Love and Light to all Indigo's ACCEPT who you are
 a warrior of light in this darkened world  that needs changing.
Have PATIENCE for things you cannot change
your dreams will manifest at the right time and
let other see your WISDOM so they can also learn from you.
Open your heart and let LOVE in from those
that care for you.

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