Saturday 22 November 2014

Daily Guidence - Creative Writing xx

Good morning this month is going pretty quick before you know it Christmas will be on our doorstep my son Sam is counting down the days to that he loves Christmas and all the presents I think this year Santa will be getting him some new camping gear probably Lego and XBox games, I will try not to overdo it this year as I sort of get carried away with the giving part especially upon my kids I used to love when they were little and the looks on their faces on xmas morning..
Today's Daily Guidance comes from Archangel Gabriel - CREATIVE WRITING
Archangel Gabriel is the angel that brings us messages from God so all your thoughts and feelings are apart of the divine guidance you get no matter who you are even if you don't believe in god you still get the divine guidance when you listen to your thoughts that come from the heart if you listen to your ego it will be coming from a negative place. We all have a story to tell so it would be great to keep a journal or diary of all your thoughts and feelings I sort of do that on this blog some things are kept between me and the Angels but I do always speak my Truth on this blog it does help you do write your thoughts and feelings down as it helps you to unload it off your chest so you can move on if you keep a journal you can look back and see how you were feeling and see if you have resolved that issue that was on your mind on any particular day as you might of received your angel messages without realising it.. Archangel Gabriel also helps those that are writing books/newspaper articles so call on him if you are a journalist or plan on becoming an Author as he will help you clear any mental blocks, if you do find you have mental blocks it may mean you just need a short break to clear your mind again as sometimes our minds get so cluttered with everything that is going through from stuff that is happening around us you need to clear your feeling out of the way in order to have a clean flow of thoughts again. You can try automatic writing if you are trying to channel a message straight from your spirit guides or angels, in order to do that you need to get your ego out of the way as it will try and block any messages coming through grab a pen or your computer and just let the pen or fingers flow when typing with out thinking about anything else, you ask your question call your guides or angels in and just write down every thought or feeling you get remember to not think to hard as that will also block the flow of your guides/angels also remember to thank them for coming through you to answer your questions. Maybe call on Archangel Gabriel first before attempting automatic writing. "If anyone who reads this is writing a book I will call on Archangel Gabriel and other Ascended Masters to help you with your efforts so you have clear thoughts and an easy flow of writing so you can get your message out to the masses with what ever you write and those that are interested in your topic are drawn to it when it gets published." thank you Archangel Gabriel and Ascended masters for your help.
In readings I keep getting the author or writing cards so it may be something for me in the future but I can't feel the urge to write anything other than my blog for now the angels will guide me when it is time as I am being guided into doing a Psychology course so I will look into that some time next year and do one online I may end up doing grief counselling for those who have lost a child as I've been through that and would love to help grieving parents my wish would be able to bring in those children's spirits from heaven to let the parents know they are okay and safe in God's hands so they have no need to worry and to put their lives on hold as they are not really separated just in a different room and they can connect with them themselves if they noticed the signs.. As we souls never really separate when we die we are all still connected through the energy of Love.
Start writing your Life Chapters today even if it is only for your family, my pop done that before he passed away I will try and find in and if he wrote when he had a Near Death Experience, he was told to go back as it wasn't his time this happened at a time when he got burnt around the face area but he never had burn scars so I will have to read his story again after I locate it as mum thought I had it but I thought I gave it back to her.
My wish for you all as well Rascal Flatts is a music band will find the song for you.
Sending Love and Light
Love you heaps
Happy writing
Have a great Saturday

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