Sunday 30 November 2014

Our Oversoul xx

Hi all I have just been reading "Your soul's plan" by Robert Schwartz I really love this book and I am only on the second chapter about Physical Illnesses our soul can choose an illness as a challenge either from pre-birth planning or choose that option once your soul is here it does it in order for your soul or soul group to gain a lessons usually to do with self-love.
The first part in the chapter was about Jon he chose AIDS pre-birth in order he be shamed and learn about self-love and accepting who he was the same with Doris with breast cancer but with Doris the interesting part I just read was about our 'Oversoul ' Doris has channelled this oversoul in herself and when it talks is mentions 'we' so it is a collective of all the personalities that Doris has had in all her incarnations but the interesting thing is we can have more than one incarnation as a soul at the same time on Earth because this is our souls school so it is planned when, where and at what time (our soul) comes in for a lesson while on earth. Anyway the Oversoul oversees both Earthly incarnations and guides them so my thinking is that the 2 incarnations may be your Twinflame (TF) or twinsoul because you are one soul but in 2 bodies (Male and Female energy) and you would be a mirror of each other in a world of duality we need to have a negative and a positive so the Twinflame is the whole of 2 parts of a soul and they would of been together in previous incarnations at some time or another playing different roles such as siblings, mother and child, partners etc.  they are always connected by the power of love  your Twinflame could be still in spirit as is the case most times but your TF is guiding you till such time all your soul lessons are learnt more info about Twinflames can be found on the link on the side of my blog in the Spiritual online world I like to follow Liora but there are heaps of different website available on the net. {I'm trying to find out if our oversoul is our spirit guide or if in actual fact it is our higher self so when I find that answer I will let you know as it could be written in any of the books I read}.
The quote from the book about the oversoul Robert questioned Doris (or the oversoul) why he kept saying we when talking about Doris this was being channelled through Doris as she is clairaudient..  "We are the oversoul. We encompass all personalities. The personalities do not die. They are a part of the great chorus. We leaf through them together with our guides as we plan the life as a painting in 3 dimensions, a collage." 
Reading that it sounds to me like it is your higher self and you pull in the bits of past personalities to make you who you are this life time and the oversoul guides the parts of you that are needed for the lessons you have chosen in any particular life time as you (your soul) have both male and female energy so you get to chose which sex to be in the painting of the life and lessons you want every time you choose to be a human.
Each soul is different and the personality of you are fragments of your personality from each incarnation and each incarnation comes/came in to learn a specific lesson to help the soul evolve spirituality we still have the option of freewill and choices once we get here so you can pull out of a pre-planned challenge or take a different route to learn it so nothing you do in your life is ever a mistake or error but rather a soul lesson, look at yourself as a soul rather than the body (that is just your mask) your soul is so wise and magical and a part of the divine as it is the part created and connected to God so religious belief's don't really play a part in your connection to God as that is just an illusion and a part of your programming from the belief instilled in you from maybe this life time but it could also be a part of your DNA and a part of the soul group you came from so a part of your soul. God has got a bad rap and is so related to religion and religious belief systems that humans actually fear believing in him/her as (God has no gender and is non-denominational) because there is only one God and he is within you he is the Love that you feel and the energy that keeps every living thing alive. I did do a post about God earlier here is the link to that post. Also is a link to a channelled message on another blog site from Krylon.   
Last night when I was writing this post I decided to draw a card to add to it from the "Asccended Masters" deck and I got Thoth so from that I take it I was on the right track with my thoughts and also a bit of encouragement from above to keep going which I will as this book is very thought provoking every page I read as in my mind when something is mentioned I can link it to other stuff either from what I know or where I have read something and the two just go together.
Here is a link to the Ascended Master Throth he is the keeper of all Akashic records so he knows every souls words, thoughts and deeds through out humanity more information is in the link.
  He is the keeper of all the records of humankind’s evolution on Earth.  He is therefore the knower of the Akasha and the keeper of the Akashic records.  These records are the account of every soul’s deeds on Earth throughout multitudes of incarnations.  When he brought the mysteries from Atlantis to Egypt he had to create languages for human beings to communicate with one another, as humanity had fallen to levels of darkness where the knowledge of communication through telepathy was closed.  Thoth created all five sacred languages which are the roots of all spoken word on the planet. - See more at:
  He is the keeper of all the records of humankind’s evolution on Earth.  He is therefore the knower of the Akasha and the keeper of the Akashic records.  These records are the account of every soul’s deeds on Earth throughout multitudes of incarnations.  When he brought the mysteries from Atlantis to Egypt he had to create languages for human beings to communicate with one another, as humanity had fallen to levels of darkness where the knowledge of communication through telepathy was closed.  Thoth created all five sacred languages which are the roots of all spoken word on the planet. - See more at:
With this card it is also a signal to grab your pen and paper or computer to do automatic writing so you will write straight from your ascended masters so who ever decides to come through you so you just type and edit later. I notice some times when I type up my posts for card readings one word that always pop's in is 'as' I'm pretty sure that is not me that speaks like that with a lot of 'as's' in it,  I generally just type the thoughts straight from my head without thinking about it and because I've done a business administration course a couple of times I can touch type without looking at the keys I do edit later if I have time but quite a few 'as' do slip by. When you do automatic writing/typing it will come through as if it isn't you and you will type with a different context or way of talking if you know what I mean.  So some of my writing/posts  are my thoughts other times it is automatic typing just so you know.
When every soul comes to earth it has the choice to come from a place of fear which would be all the negative energy from your ego that does talk you down and out of what you know is in your heart the energy that comes from your heart is your soul talking and it generally knows which path to take for the lessons you came to learn but we still get the choice and freewill to go which path we want to follow as you can get the same lesson (which would be your life challenges) but take a different route than was pre-planned by you and your soul group. So our freewill and choices are voices between our hearts and our ego so you always get to decide what it is your soul needs. All the lessons you learnt while in a human body go back to the soul group so they can plan the next trip and lessons and whose soul will come to earth. Earlier in the book it mentions a place where all the souls go to do this pre-birth planning we and the soul group usually go to the same building and rooms as each building is round in appearance and there are 8 rooms, 8 floors and 8 buildings (8 is the number of infinity so it is never ending) all our souls records or our book of life are in these buildings and we prefer to go to the same room every time we die where we are greeted by those from our soul groups so all your family will come and greet you once you reach the spirit realm.
 So remember if you always come from a place of LOVE it is your true self and your soul coming through if you are always coming from a place of FEAR it will be your ego coming through so it is just an illusion of who you truly are that you are showing to those that you meet. Your soul will always be truthful, honest, loving and come from a place of integrity as your soul only knows Love and positivity so a higher vibration energy wise. Your ego will always come from a place of negativity and be pessimistic in outlook and it feeds off your fears so it doesn't want your soul to learn a thing it will keep you in limbo of where you need to grow spiritually it is of a lower energy vibration.
Your thoughts and choices will create your reality.
 Chose wisely as it is your destiny you are creating.
Create drama in your life you will have drama.
Create Peace you will have peace.
Some relaxing Angel Piano music for Sunday
I will be back later after lunch to do the Indigo messages.
Sorry it sounds like I have repeated myself through out my post as I started it
yesterday and finished it off this morning from the "Write" card but
I'm not editing any out now.
Sending Love and Light
to you have a great day.

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