Thursday 13 November 2014

Hi all I'm back xx

Hi everyone that has found there way to my blog thanks for dropping by.. I had a great time in Melbourne though I was pushed very far out of my comfort zone and really felt it on the Saturday I don't think I slept at all for the 3 days and I finally got some sleep on the Tuesday but it is now Thursday and I'm still a bit tired as my mind is still going over everything that happened which I will tell you about at some stage as it was an emotional and spiritual growth weekend for me with lots of feelings coming up that I have to deal with..  Here are a few photo's from the weekend we were not allowed to take our camera's in or to take photo's all the time we were allowed to at certain points though these ones are off the HayHouse FB page of the event as they did have professional photographers floating about the place..
This is Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Doreen, Radleigh, Robert Reeves and Leon Nacson

You need to work on your inner world before you can reflect and
change anything on the outer world as you have to be at peace
with yourself and your choices past and present before you can
move on, you really need to let go of all your fears and your own
ego based reactions to advance and be the change you want to see
in yourself I know I have a few issues to deal with but my own fears
are deep seated past life ones that are a part of me and what makes me
who I am so it is very challenging for me I will go into this on my blog
one day as it is what was brought up over the weekend within myself.
I do have an inner strength but that is also what holds me together
but some issues I do have trouble dealing with as I'm sure we all do.
Music did I tell you how much I love this song..
Love is all that is real and you are in my heart and
 thoughts all the time..
Sending Love and Light
to you and the Angels
that protect and love us all
have a great day
I will back tonight to do the
card readings I missed on the weekend.

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